Monday, September 3, 2012


Sometimes all you need is a friend. That one person who just gets it- who just gets YOU.

Sometimes you need somebody in your life for the fun stuff. I used to call that kind of friend "my favorite bad influence." We all know them, maybe some of us ARE that person. The person who is always having fun, a joke for every situation, being adventurous and keeping the rest of us from growing up too quickly. The friend that calls you drunk at 3AM with his buddies while he's peeing in a sink. The friend that drags you out and coaxes mascara and lip gloss on before going to Karaoke at a delightfully tacky sinkhole. The friend that is always initiating something crazy, that will probably get somebody killed one day, but for now, it's a blast. The friend that makes the best pictures and the best stories happen.

But some things you don't want to remember. That's the friend who brings you a box of tissues at midnight, who will walk trails or sit at the lake's edge for hours, and not feel the need to talk at all- they are just there- just so you know you're not alone. The type of friend who can tell from the "Hello" when you answer the phone just what kind of mood you're in. The friend who will take away the dangerous things from your reach, and from inside your head. The friend who isn't afraid to be seen with you when you're at your lowest, hair a mess, life a mess. That's when they take your hand, whether you like it or not. I cannot be more thankful for those people in my life.

Often times we categorize our friends. Deny it all you like, we have a hierarchy. The people we call first- for new babies, for news, for the big sale at your favorite store. The friends we call when we're happy. Then the second-string: the friends we call when our first choices aren't around. Eventually we reach deep in the recycling bin- the friends we merely keep in contact with because we were "bff's" 15 years ago and we feel some sort of reluctance to let go of that, though we know nothing about them but their names and their most recent Facebook profile picture. Then, in its own subgroup, off in the corner, are the Friends. The shining, radiating Friends. The ones we forget about until we hit rock bottom, or we feel like we have. They're the ones who come over when life comes crashing down- not because nobody else will, but because they love you, even if you did forget their last birthday. These are the friends that should be first. They love us best- which most of us don't deserve. They care about everything, not just the good times. They deserve MY best, and I've decided to make a change, to flip the hierarchy, to fix this inexcusable social distortion that is my life. I'm going to be brave.

I'm going to love. Out loud. I'm going to make sure the right people are in my life- that people are getting my love and my attention. I don't want to be the former "bff" 15 years from now. I don't want to be a name in the back of somebody's mind, a picture in a forgotten drawer. I want to be PRESENT. I want to be in the front row at their weddings, picking them up from the airport for holidays, holding their hands when they need me.

I challenge you to do the same.

No, really.

Look around your life. Think about who is always there. Who is always there for the party, the fun, and the sunshine, and who is there for the dark days? Who is there when they know you need them before you're willing to admit it? I'm sure we all have one or two people who deserve better from us. And I challenge you to give it. Give it all.

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